Thursday, November 5, 2009


Objectives : After studying this unit you should be able to:

Know What is Yoga Vidya?
What for is it practiced?
How the practice should get started?
What are Santi Mantras?
What is the prevalent trend in imparting this knowledge?
What are the similies or metaphors usually attributed to Yoga Vidya?
How Sivaskthi Yoga Vidya Kendra is unique in its approach?

Introduction :

The cultural heritage of our country is of immense value to the whole of humanity. Unfortunately in our eagerness to ape the western culture, an average Indian prefer to be blissfully unaware to this tradition bequeathed to us by our forefathers. Should we not derive inspiration from the fabulous contributions our forefathers have made by providing us this rich fund of knowledge? Why we have succumbed to this sort of decadence instead of being proud of our ancient past? For true seekers reasons are not that difficult to find. Long periods of subjugation by the descendants of Central Asian invaders followed by the long colonial rule by the British sapped our energy and made us victims of a slavish mentality. Progress of modern science and our inability to keep pace with the advanced countries pushed us backwards. Thrust given by the ruling community for English education, prompted us to view what is of Indian origin with contempt. The national movement for regaining freedom and the subsequent winning of the same, kindled some hopes for revival. But unfortunately even after 62 years of independence, our attitude is still sluggish for honoring our cultural heritage. All that belong to the rich tradition is attributed to belong to the Hindu religion, rather than considering them as part of our national ethos. Percolation of party politics into all walks of life and the eagerness of politicians to lure the minority communities having their eyes on the vote banks eluded the horizons for a revival of our lost glory. Though belonging to different communities and castes we forgot the fact that we are primarily Indians having a common culture and tradition. The fact that many learned people of the west are now acknowledging our precious contributions, do not deter many of us from disregarding what is of Indian origin. That is why still the majority feel reluctant to proudly own and propagate precious branches of knowledge which are unique and bear the stamp of our cultural heritage.

Yoga Vidya is one of the ancient branches of knowledge originated in India. During which period this branch of knowledge developed and flourished is not exactly known. It is said that the Supreme Lord “Parameswara” himself had handed down to us this knowledge for Self realization. Our ancient teachers group all branches of knowledge in to two broad categories. They are “Para Vidya” and “Apara Vidya”. Those belonging to Para Vidya imparts Spiritiual knowledge. Spiritual knowledge and its practice leads one ultimately to Self realization. A solid example for this is “Vedanta Darsanam”. Contrary to this Apara Vidya that helps to equip one for the worldly life.

Now the crucial question is this. Yoga Vidya belongs to which category mentioned above? In fact Yoga Vidya cannot belong exclusively to any one category mentioned above. Similar is the case with Tantra Vidya too. Both Yoga Vidya and Tantra Vidya ultimately makes one capable of Self Realisation or God Realisation. But unlike Vedanta both Yoga Vidya and Tantra Vidya are not exclusively intended for imparting spiritual knowledge and through that to the goal of Self Realisation. They also contribute immensely for making the material life of a person rich, meaningful, healthy and pleasant.. We have to use two technical words in Sanskrit to describe the special nature of Yoga Vidya and Tantra Vidya. The words are “Sreyas” and “Preyass”. “Sreyas” indicates spiritual wealth where as “Preyass” indicates material wealth. Yoga Vidya and Tantra Vidya contributes both to “Sreyas” and “Preyas”.

The word Yoga originated from its root word in Sanskrit called “Yuge”. This word means ‘Union’. Union with whom is the moot question. The answer is : “with the ultimate reality”. From time immemorial the inquisitive nature of human mind sought the secret behind creation of this universe. Focused thinking in this direction resulted in the dawning of wisdom. What we call intuition is the source of all wisdom and knowledge. It was through this intuition resulting from focused thinking that all branches of knowledge developed. When this method is utilized in the appropriate manner, we will come to know that we can achieve immense power which will otherwise be termed as supernatural. Yoga Vidya claims that human beings can through systematic practice attain that level of God Consciousness breaking all kinds of limitations normally attributed to human beings. A clear cut plan and procedure has been developed by the teachers of this technique towards this goal. One need not even be a believer of this creed at first, but one should be ready to earnestly practice the guidelines given by the teacher. To that extent one should have an open mind. In fact we know that this is the method of study in modern science too. Unlike in some religions here the experience comes first and belief only follows.

In this context it is pertinent to go through the definition to Yoga Vidya given by one of the ancient exponents of this technique by name Yajnavalkya. The definition in Sanskrit is given below:

“ Samyogo Yoga Ithuktho Jeevatma Paramatmano” ,
meaning the union of Jeevathma(Individual Soul) with Paramatma ( Universal Soul) is what is called Yoga. Such a joining is also called “Mokhsha” or “Nirvikalpa Samadhi” in Sanskrit. In ancient branches of knowledge like Yoga Vidya there is a practice in using the same terminology for the path as well as the goal. This practice is mainly followed in spiritual sciences and philosophical studies. Similarly one who is just initiated into the technique of Yoga Vidya as well as one who is an exponent of the technique, both are called by the name “Yogi”.

Now a days certain aspects of this technique are selectively taken and taught in a haphazard manner highlighting some minor benefits derived from the same purposefully keeping its main objectives in the dark. They are actually commercializing the holy knowledge by their narrow minded approach. Those who resort to such teaching though claim themselves to be imparting Yoga Vidya in fact are doing a disservice to our ancient Rishis and to humanity at large. Disregarding the main objects or aims of the technique can never be called Yoga; rather it is called by the name “kuyoga’ or “yogabhasa”.

What for is Yoga Vidya ?

Yoga Vidya is practiced for the attainment of the following :-

Total Development of the personality
For the building up of an enlightened society
For total success in life
As a complete solution to all difficulties

Now we can analyse each of the above items one by one

1.Total Personality Development :

By the word personality what we mean is the totality of the physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual talents of a person. So the development contemplated should cover all these four aspects. The character, habits, knowledge, attitude and behaviour of the person concerned , all should get equal importance. In fact the development should integrate the achievements made by the individual in all the above aspects. Since Yoga is recognized as a good system of physical exercise, much need not be mentioned regarding this. Moreover we cannot over emphasise the importance of the physical body of a person in the pursuit of studies of subjects like Yoga Vidya. This body is a critical equipment for the attainment of even “Mokhsha”. Hence the body should be in a trim and healthy condition. Here a little explanation is needed in describing the term “ healthy condition”. It is not merely the absence of any disease or diseases, the crucial question is whether one is enjoying what is called “body bliss” which is our essential nature. Proper practice of Yoga Vidya guarantees body bliss.

According to yoga a human being has a physical body which we can see, touch and feel and is termed in Sanskrit as “Sthoola Sareera”. Apart from that there are others layers to this body which are subtle and cannot be touched or seen as the sthoola sareera. This is called “Sookshma sareera” in Sanskrit. The sookshma sareera has got three layers such as Pranamaya kosa, Manomaya Kosa, and Vijnanamaya Kosa. The word Kosa does not mean the cell described in modern science. These layers can be experienced as we advance more on the path of yoga vidya. Of this pranamaya kosa is the life force, manomaya kosa is connected with the mind and vijnanamaya kosa is connected with the intellect. Then apart from the Sthoola sareera and Sookshma sareera there is another level as causal body or “Karana Sareera” in Sanskrit. The layer linked with the Karana Sareera is called “Anadamaya Kosa”. Our true nature is this blissful state. Genuine and steady practice of Yoga will make the individual constantly aware and experience this blissful state day in and day out. This is the highest state yoga vidya guarantees to a true practioner

It is to be understood that all round personality development should bring under its purview augmentation of the faculties of mind such as love, compassion, courage, kindness, faith etc. etc.. Then only the individual can be considered as having a good mental health. When that results, the Manomaya kosa of the individual gets a boost. Similarly yoga vidya also improves the intellectual faculties of an individual such as grasping power, faculties for analysis, synthesis, deduction, creativity, communicative skill, aesthetic sense, skill for interpretation etc. etc. In the more advanced stage intellectual capabilities of one practicing yoga can reach the level of that of the great “Rishis” whose intellect is usually termed as “Maneesha” in Sanskrit. Hence integrated personality development encompasses development of the physical, mental, and intellectual aspects of the individual and then leads to the supreme level of “Sachidananda”. What exactly is this sachidananda cannot be expressed in words. That state is beyond words. It can only be experienced. Once experienced one will know that is ones true nature, and dwelling constantly in that state is what is called “Moksha”. Ultimate objective of Yoga Vidya is the dawning into that level of consciousness as that of Moksha

2. Building up of an enlightened society.

Normally when we hear the word society the idea that comes to our mind is that of the human society. But in Yoga Vidya the term is considered in a more wider perspective. The word ‘Society’ should bring under its purview all living and non-living things of this universe. No doubt a human being is the basic unit of the society. Then our concept of society should grow into family, village, town , city, country and the whole world! Building up of the enlightened society should not be limited to a family or village or country rather it should cover the whole world. There is a balance which is being maintained by the different living and non living things in this universe. Our development should not upset this natural balance. The concept of a society first starts from the family. Hence our family should first be made enlightened. If at least one member of the family earnestly practices Yoga vidya it will definitely have an impact on the family. It will create positive vibrations in the family atmosphere. Sooner or later other members will also will be attracted to Yoga. This in turn will enhance the the mental and intellectual capabilities of the family members. Interpersonal relations improve in the family which in turn augments their sense of co-opeartion and co-existence in controlling and co-ordinating the resources of the family. Naturally material prosperity results. When a particular family in a village registers such a positive growth in all aspects, other families also try to follow suit resulting in the village becoming popular in the town or city adjacent to it. This example spreads into the whole country in a similar fashion.

For spreading this style of living the forerunners of Yoga Vidya have an important role to play. They should be prepared to function as messengers of a good code of conduct, and their dharmic sense should be above board and exemplary. In this context we must understand that individual capabilities have got a limit. But when like minded individuals join into an organization and tries to carry out a mission commonly endorsed by them, the synergic effect of the same will be much more than their individual capabilities put together. Yogic view of life or Yoga darsan or Purushartha Jeevitha Darsan should be spread through out the world so that we will be able to solve all problems of the world, distribute the resources among all people equitably, and make the world tension free. All types of wars will end and a holy understanding will prevail among countries of the world. In fact this world has got immense resources for all of us to live happily throughout our life. But some countries have cornered these resources to the detriment of the others, due to their lack of faith in themselves and in their fellow beings. We have to free ourselves from this narrow minded approach if real peace is to remain in this world. We have to enlighten ourselves through noble practices like Yoga Vidya so that this world becomes a more peaceful place to live in. In this context it is essential to note the oft quoted watch word of Acharyas which is quite applicable to Yoga Vidya “ Khrunnumtho Viswam Aryam” meaning “Make this world great”

3. For total success in life :

Yoga Vidya gives due importance to the worldly life of an individual. For total success in life, success of an individual in his avocation, family life, social life, health and longevity etc. are all equally important along with his spiritual advancement and realization with the ultimate reality. That is why Yoga Vidya guarantees both “Sreyas “ and “ Preyass” for its ardent sadhakas. The beauty of the system is that there is clear cut plan and action programme for the attainment of the goals in these two aspects of an individual life viz spiritual and material.

4.As a complete solution for all types of problems and difficulties:

Our ancient teachers broadly viewed problems faced by humanity through two angles. The first one tries to focus the attention on the causes of problems and the second one on where exactly a problem props up. Regarding causes they are mainly of three types viz. “Adyatmika” , “Adhi Bowthika” and “Adhi Daivika”. Of these “Adyathmika” points towards those problems or difficulties faced by an individual whose reasons can be attributed to the individual himself. Here the action or inaction of the individual may have caused the problems. In the case of “Adhi Bowthika” other living beings in this world causes the problems. This includes other human beings or any other living things belonging to the animal and plant world, either jointly or severally. Lastly in the case of “Adhi Daivika” the reasons for the problems may emnate from the action of natural or super natural forces existing in this universe.

Based on where exactly a problem props up, they can be classified as follows:-

i . Problems of the physical body eg. Diseases, deformities etc.
ii. Mental problems Eg. Depression, various phobias etc.
iii. Intellectual problems Eg. Disparities in intellect among various groups
iv. Spiritual problems Eg. Different approaches of various religious groups
v. Family problems Eg. Interpersonal relationship problems
vi. Social problems Eg. Disparities in income, male predominance etc.
vii. NationalproblemsEg.Divisive tendencies based on language,religion,caste etc.
viii. World Problems Eg. Terrorism, global warming etc.

Practice of Yoga vidya makes an individual to have a proper perspective of all these problems and offers apt remedies for solving them. How this is achieved is explained elsewhere in this chapter.

How the practice should get started: As has been explained this is divine knowledge that has been passed on to us by the Almighty through great sages several thousand years before. Innumerable technical words originated in Sanskrit are to be understood in their proper perspective to have a clear idea of what exactly the ancient teachers meant by them, rather than guided by their current usages in various other languages. Hence it is very essential to learn the technique through a teacher who has been trained in the traditional manner. This knowledge has been acquired by the sages through a lot of penance, strenuous practice and contemplation which has caused the development of right intuition in them. They are well aware of the pits and falls on the path of spiritual unfoldment and hence they will be able to guide and groom the practitioners in the proper fashion. Hence for learning the technique, institutions like Siva Sakthi Yoga Vidya Kendra should be approached because they will be carrying the torch of tradition for passing on the knowledge to the future generations.

Initial Prayers and Santhi Mantras : It has been the practice followed in ancient India to start any noble function by praying to the Almighty for his blessings so that success results . Reciting of mantras mainly aims for the blessings of God. Apart from that it aims at perfect harmony among fellow human beings, animals and plants and even natural and supernatural forces .

Present trends in the practice of the technique : Institutions which train the aspirants in the proper way are in fact very few in number. Unfortunately those which misguide people are innumerable. Among them even those who do not recognize God teach the technique. Then there are some institutions which give thrust to certain aspects of the technique and ignore the rest, to suit their requirements. Accordingly there are yoga centres which function as beauty clinics, does the function of gymnasiums, health clinics etc. Such centres are in fact aberrations from the technique of Yoga Vidya.

Similies and Metaphors normally used to glorify Yoga Vidya:

Yoga Vidya has been allegorically compared to the following :

“ Kalpa Vruksha” : Meaning mythological tree in heaven which renders anything requested.
“Chinthamony”: Meaning that which grants anything we wish for

“Mruthyu Mathamga Kesari” : Meaning the Lion which tackles death coming in the garb of an elephant.

But these metaphors or similies in fact do not fully convey the true value of this ancient technique when we know that Yoga vidya is capable of elevating an individual to the highest position of identifying oneself with the ultimate Reality.

Unique nature of Siva Sakthi Yoga Vidya Kendra:

Siva Sakthi Yoga Vidya Kendra is manned by properly trained personnel who has been groomed by Shri K.R. Manoj who is a post graduate in Philosophy. Mr. Manoj is a humble deciple of the world famous Rishi by name Nikhileswarananda Maharaj of Rajastan. Nikhileswarananda Maharaj belongs to the rare group of Rishis who has got access to Siddha Loka of the Himalayas which cannot even be identified or approached by ordinary mortals. As such one can expect to study the subject in the most traditional manner without any dilution to suit to the whims and fancies of students of the modern world. Moreover in this Kendra equal importance is given to both theory and practice. Hence for earnest and disciplined practitioners success is assured by the grace and blessings of the Almighty and the whole lineage of Gurus.