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Elements necessary for nourishment of tissues are carried to them by blood. Any irritation to the lining of arterial walls causes heart diseases. This injury may also be caused due to high levels of fat in the blood.
Main contributors for cardiovascular diseases
Faulty diet,
Negative thinking ---Our thoughts, feelings and emotions affect our body and mind.Negative Emotions spark chemical processes throughout the entire body.
Coronary Heart Disease,
High blood pressure etc…
Coronary Heart Disease (CAD)
Function of heart is to supply the blood to the whole body by pumping. Whereas coronary arteries come out of the aorta and supply the blood and feed the heart muscles themselves. The main coronary arteries lie down on the surface of the heart and the small arteries enter the cardiac muscle mass. It is the most common cause of t
he cardiovascular disability and death. Coronary heart disease is a state in which the heart muscle not gets ample amount of blood because of disruption in its blood supply.
Depending on the extent of disruption in its blood supply, symptoms appear from a mild chest pain to a full-scale heart attack.
Atherosclerosis | |
Coronary Thrombosis |
Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
The inner walls of the arteries get thickened due to gradual deposits of fatty material. These gradual deposits take the form of layers in the inner walls of the arteries and as a result, there is hindrance to the flow of blood. Consequently, blood clotting occurs in the roughened area and the blood circulation gets blocked.
Coronary Thrombosis
There is sudden blocking of one of the arteries or its branches and then the supply of blood to the heart is affected partially or completely. The sudden blocking takes place due to the deposit of clot in an already narrow artery. Due to lack of blood supply, heart attack takes place with pain in the chest and arms and there maybe perspiration.
Degenerative heart disease
It occurs due to the gradual decay of the blood vessels. It is thought that excessive smoking of tobacco in any form causes degeneration of blood vessels.
Yoga can play important role in preventing and curing cardiovascular heart diseases.
If one diagnosed heart disease, it is necessary to take proper care of ones heart for the rest of life. With proper life-style and diet one can manage and avoid heart disease. The physical activity in yoga enhances cardiac efficiency.
Yoga Treatment for Heart Diseases:
Therapeutic yoga should be practiced when the individual concerned is not affected by emergency type of condition.Yogic system of treatment is the same for heart ailments and hypertension.
Beside the above mentioned asana and pranayama practice of Yoganidra,concentration and meditation gives the best result.
The circulatory system plays a vital role in the nourishment of tissues. Elements necessary for nourishment of tissues are carried to them by blood. Practice of pranayama rejuvenate the tissues with a fresh supply of oxygen
Asanas improve cardiovascular efficiency. The yogic exercises give a good massage to the perpetually working heart. Asanas involve very little muscular activity. In such a condition, the heart has a tendency to slow down its speed and the heart beats in a controlled manner. When the muscular activity is less, there is minimum production of carbon dioxide. This reduces the levels of stress to the heart. Yoga enhances heart health, lowers blood pressure, reduces chronic stress, boosts immune system and enhances cognitive ability. Yoga has an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases as well as recurrence of heart attacks, hypertension and coronary heart diseases. Yoga affects the hypothalamus directly the area of the brain, controlling the endocrine activity and it helps to prevent heart attacks.
Diet should be light, a low- fat diet, and preferably vegetarian foods.
Meat, excessive protein, milk and dairy products, oil, excessive spices, excessive salt, overeating.
whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Fix meal timing.
The path of yoga helps in the prevention and stress in healthy people, aids in the recovery of diseases and other illnesses, gives strength to the physical body and helps in weight loss, induces deep relaxation, and wellness of body, mind and soul is gained.