Yoga Vidya is a magnificent contribution of our sages with the primary objective of realizing God. There are two more methods for God realization viz. Tantra Vidya and Vedanta. Compared with other two methods Yoga has certain unique advantages which makes the same more popular. At the learning centres yoga is being taught by Mr. Manoj and his team in a most inspiring manner. At present the term Yoga is not properly understood by many since the subject gets identified by any one its features that gets highlighted by the organizers. Thus some considers the same as a best system for physical excersise that keeps your body fit, some considers the same as way to keep all diseases at bay, yet others considers the same as a means for curing diseases etc etc. But Yoga gives all those benefits as also several others.In the study centres, teaching of Yoga Vidya is being organized by “Sivasakthi Yoga Vidya Kendra. Here equal importance is being given to theory and practical sessions. Lady instructors are arranged for imparting practical orientation to women students. The ardent students of this course who adhere to daily practice are sure to gain the following benefits :-- Ensures complete cure of all diseases
- Full protection from all diseases
- Guarentees perfect good health
- Helps to boost ones vigour and vitality
- Helps to boost all mental and intellectual faculties
- Keeps at bay untimely aging
- Helps to mitigate old age difficulties
- Increases memory and grasping power, enhances communicative skills
- Proven method for spiritual development and self realization
- Proven method for integrated personality development
- Results in building up an enlightened society
- An effective remedy for all problems in the material and spiritual fields
The teaching team is prepared to conduct classes in clubs or even houses of students provided there is enough space in the hall and sufficient number of students ( say a minimum of 10 students) to undergo training. Classes are being conducted once in week. The classes are of two hour duration. There will be 24 such sessions to complete the Preliminary course on yoga which will ensure the above benefits, provided the students daily practices what is being taught.We therefore submitting before you an appeal to be part and parcel of this grant effort. You can be full-time worker or sponsor full-time workers for conveying this message and to teach and practice the highest echelon of metaphysical knowledge that helps the person and society for physical as well as spiritual wisdom and freedom.