Swami Rama (1925–1996) was born Brij Kiśore Dhasmana or Brij Kiśore Kumar, to a northern Indian Brahmin family in a small village called Toli in the Garhwal Himalayas. He became the lineage holder of the Sankya Yoga tradition of the Himalayan Masters. From an early age he was raised in the Himalayas by his master Bengali Baba and, under the guidance of his master, traveled from temple to temple and studied with a variety of Himalayan saints and sages, including his grandmaster, who was living in a remote region of Tibet. From 1949 to 1952 he held the prestigious position of Shankaracharya of Karvirpitham (also Karveer Peeth or Karweer Peeth) in South India. After returning to his master in 1952 and practicing further for many years in the Himalayan caves, Swami Rama was encouraged by his teacher to go to the West, where he spent a considerable portion of his life teaching, specifically in the United States and Europe
He is especially notable as one of the first yogis to allow himself to be studied by Western scientists. In the 1960s he allowed himself to be examined by scientists at the Menninger Clinic who studied his ability to voluntarily control bodily processes (such as heartbeat, blood pressure, body temperature, etc.) that are normally considered to be non-voluntary
He is especially notable as one of the first yogis to allow himself to be studied by Western scientists. In the 1960s he allowed himself to be examined by scientists at the Menninger Clinic who studied his ability to voluntarily control bodily processes (such as heartbeat, blood pressure, body temperature, etc.) that are normally considered to be non-voluntary
In laboratory conditions, under the observation of research scientists,
Swami Rama demonstrated many ways in which one's internal states could be regulated voluntarily. These research demonstrations have been one of the major cornerstones of the mind-body movement of the past few decades.
The example below is an EKG of Swami Rama recorded while he was
sitting motionless, and caused his heart to stop pumping blood at will. This was done by voluntarily speeding up his heart rate to over 300 beats per minute, causing atrial flutter. This demonstration and others were
performed at the Menninger Foundation, in Topeka, Kansas in 1970. The research was recorded for the public, in part, in the book Beyond
Biofeedback, by Elmer and Alyce Green
Swami Rama demonstrated many ways in which one's internal states could be regulated voluntarily. These research demonstrations have been one of the major cornerstones of the mind-body movement of the past few decades.
The example below is an EKG of Swami Rama recorded while he was
sitting motionless, and caused his heart to stop pumping blood at will. This was done by voluntarily speeding up his heart rate to over 300 beats per minute, causing atrial flutter. This demonstration and others were
performed at the Menninger Foundation, in Topeka, Kansas in 1970. The research was recorded for the public, in part, in the book Beyond
Biofeedback, by Elmer and Alyce Green

Other demonstrations have included psychokinesis (moving objects
through mental will power), recording and remembering accurately
conversations in the room while registering being in deep sleep (delta)
according to EEG, as well as growing and ungrowing cancers on his arms
and in his buttocks.
through mental will power), recording and remembering accurately
conversations in the room while registering being in deep sleep (delta)
according to EEG, as well as growing and ungrowing cancers on his arms
and in his buttocks.

The above photograph is the 14 inch knitting needle instrument that Swami Rama successfully caused to spin with his mind from a distance of five feet. This was done in the presence of the research scientists at the Menninger Foundation.
The below photograph is the mask and plexiglassplate that was placed over Swami Rama's face by the research scientists during the experiments so that breath could not accidentally affect the needles. His body was also entirely covered with a cloth so as to further
insure no accidental involvement of body motion with the needles

insure no accidental involvement of body motion with the needles

The photograph below is of Swami Rama showing a glow of light from the
area of his heart chakra. This untouched photograph was taken with a
Polaroid camera in response to a challenge from one physician who was
skeptical about the ability to cause a visible light to be radiated at will.
area of his heart chakra. This untouched photograph was taken with a
Polaroid camera in response to a challenge from one physician who was
skeptical about the ability to cause a visible light to be radiated at will.

These demonstrations were not done merely to impress anybody with the
unique powers of one person, but rather to demonstrate to the scientific
and medical communities that the human has tremendous ability to selfregulate with training.
unique powers of one person, but rather to demonstrate to the scientific
and medical communities that the human has tremendous ability to selfregulate with training.
thanks to:HIY