Thursday, November 14, 2013



Sivasakthi Yoga Vidya Kendra is a learning centre dedicated for the dissemination of the ancient technique of  YOGA VIDYA, primarily intended for self realization. This technique is handed down to us by the sages of the yore. The learning centre is a wing of Vijnanabharathi where the art and science of Yoga Vidya is taught in the most traditional style giving equal importance to theory and practice. The curriculum  for Yoga spreads into three stages viz Preliminary(basic), Advanced and Masters. Preliminary Course on Yoga is taught in 25 sessions of  2 hours duration. Each session  generally devotes half the time for theory and the other half for practical. Those who successfully complete this course of 75 hours duration will be eligible for continuing their studies for the Advanced Course. After the successful completion of the advanced course on Yoga one becomes eligible to pursue studies for the Masters Course. So far  5000 students have undergone their studies for the Preliminary Course. At present more than 50 students are undergoing their studies for theYOGA TEACHERS TRAINING COURSE after succesful completion of their basic course .They will be given certificates after the training. Advanced Course in Yoga Vidya awaits those who qualify the Basic Course. When sufficient number of students successfully complete both the courses Yoga as above, classes for Masters Course on the subject will be arranged.

Session wise  Syllabus for  Preliminary Course on Yoga Vidya

1st Session :-The teacher as well as the students first gets acquainted among themselves. The teacher clearly emphasizes the need for building a rapport among the group without which proper progress in the path is rather impossible. Then the students are introduced to the initial prayer and Santi Mantras with which all learning process should commence. Sometimes meaning    of each prayer and Santi Mantra is explained to the students in the first class itself. Students are advised to take brief notes on the lectures made by the teachers so that they can come up with detailed notes in the next class on what they have studied in the previous class.

In the first Session general introduction is given regarding what is meant by Yoga Vidya and why it is to be practiced. Highlight the four main objectives(a) Integrated  Personality development; (b) Building up of an enlightened Society; (c) For total success in life and (d) As a complete solution to the problems faced by the individual and the Society.

 The students are informed regarding the varied versions of the technique prevalent now as well as aberrations of the technique and the emphasis given to each of them by its propagators. Attention of the students is drawn towards how the course on Yoga Vida taught by Sivasakthi Yoga Vidya Kendra, essentially differs from contemporary courses on Yoga.

Misconceptions regarding Yoga Vidya, figurative comparisons of  Yoga Vidya to ‘Chinthamani’, ‘Mruthyu-Mathanga-Kesari’; ‘Kalpa Vruksha’ etc

Practical : Chanting of various Mantras mainly Panchakshari Mantra, Gayathri Mantra, Mruthyumjaya Mantra and various Santhi mantras. Students are informed the need for chanting them apart from explaining their meanings

2nd Session :- What is meant by Asanas- definition of  Asana- Mention of the same by Patanjali Maharshi in his famous book by name  ‘Yoga Sutra’-  What is meant by sutra vakya -  Introduction to Savasana- Prarambhik, Lakhu and Poorna explaining the 7 steps
What is the need for performing Prarambhik Savasana? Practical Orientation is given on Preliminary Savasana, the excellent relaxation technique taught in Yoga  Vidya after briefing the benefits we derive by performing the same
Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the first session
Furnishing of printed notes of 1st Session

Practical : Prarambhik Savasanam, Abdominal Breathing, Chest breathing,Upper Breathing , Full breathing

3rd Session :- Introduction to yogic exercises and their importance – breathing exercises, stretching exercises of the hands and  legs, exercises for neck, eyes etc., Salutations, details regarding where the yoga practices can be conducted etc.and their importance –
Practical : Savasana, then breathing exercises
Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the Second Session
Furnishing of printed notes of 2nd Session

4th Session :- Theory : More on what is  meant by Yoga – Explanation on Para Vidya- Apara Vidya, Atma Darsanam of Yoga, Is yoga  a religion, What is meant by religion? comparative study with other Indian techniques for self realization such as Vedanta and Tantra Vidya, Founder of Yoga Vidya- Ancient books on Yoga Vidya, traditional line of Teachers on Yoga Vidya - Essentials of Sadhaka Dharma,sadhana. Yama- Niyama etc.
Practical : Stretching exercises of the legs
Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the Third Session
Furnishing of printed notes of 3rd Session

5th Session :- What is meant by the terms such as  Sadhana, Sadhyam, Sadhakan? What is Nithya Sadhana, Naimithika Sadhana. Atmeeya Sadhnana, Kamya Sadhana, Prayichitha Sadhana? What is meant by “Pranayama”, Wonderful Pranic activities in our body- Different types of pranayama such as “Anulom-Vilom”; “Pooraka-Rechaka-Kumbhaka”; “Kapalbhathi” etc.

Practical : Practice of yogic exercises along with earlier asanas taught- Introduction to Anulom-Vilom  Pranayam. Importance of keeping a Spiritual Diary and how to keep the same.

Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 4thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 4th Session.

6th Session :- More on Sadhana focusing on “Japa”- What is japa? What for it is chanted? – Importance of “Panchakshari Mantram”- Meaning of the term “Mantra”- meanings of various “Santhi Mantras”- Introducing “Meru -Danda Exercises”(1-5,.five numbers)Use of sradha and bhakthi.Various concentrations for mantra japa mantra either its sonund or  on its words or meaning or on the physical form of the diety to which it is intended.

Practical :Emphasising the importance of practicing at home what is being taught in every class- Demonstration on how to do Japa , Anulom-Vilom Pranayama (21 Rounds)
 First 5 types of Meru-Danda Exercises
Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 5thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 5th Session.

7th Session :-  What  and why  of Dhyana- Ananda Dhyanam – More on various layers of our being such as Annamaya kosa, Pranamaya Kosa, Manomaya kosa, Vijnanamaya Kosa, Anandamaya Kosa etc – More on Pooraka-Rechaka-Kumbhaka Pranayama

Practical : Meru Danda exercises from 6 to 10  - Revise the earlier 5 types taught in the previous session ( Those who are suffering from disc complaints should avoid the practice of Meru Danda exercises.(6-10 only).But they should practice first five merudanda  exercises.
Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 6thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 6th Session.

8th Session :- What is meant by “Prarthana”- how to do the same – What is meant by Soorya Namaskaram, how to practice the same and what is its importance?

Practical : Revision of Meru Danda, Poooraka –Rechaka (21 Rounds), how to do prayers- Soorya Namaskaram – advantage of doing Soorya Namaskaram 13 times continuously.Correction of position and breathing.
Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 7thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 7th Session.

9th Session : What is meant by “Swadhyaya”? ; Difference between Yogic exercises and yogasanas; Difference between yogasanas and other types of physical exercises (should concentrate on the merits of yogasana rather than on the demerits of other systems of physical exercises) categorization of yogasanas on their relative positions, degree of tediousness of the same etc.- how to make our prayers more efficient- students should be advised to start doing prayers in the manner taught in the class at least  for 2 minutes, two times daily say in the morning and evening or night.- More on Poorna Savasanam and its merits
Practical : Poorna Savasanam,Sooryanamaskara with  mantra japa and how to visualize for each steps for various benefits Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 8thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 8th Session.

10th Session :- What is meant by Sathsangha? Advise students to increase the time for daily prayer from 2 minutes in one session to three minutes- total time for daily prayer thus increases to 6 minutes- More on Sadhaka Dharma  towards  Parameswara, Lineage of  Gurus and ultimately towards Yoga Vidya itself

Practical :- Yogasanas in the moving style laying on the back such as “Suptha Udarakarshanam”; “Ekapada Chakram”; “Dwipada Chakram” (In three styles A, B, and C)
Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 9thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 9th Session..

11th Session :- “Sadachara Darshana” of Yoga, What is meant by “Anachara”; “Durachara”; “Athyachra” etc. What is the meant by “Dharma Sastra”etc. – Is there any measuring rod for judging Right or wrong or is there any limits to the same based  Time, Place etc. What are the  viewpoints of “Ithihasas” on the above subject-Ways for finding common measurement to judge an action right or bad.  Necessity  of respecting righteous people, Itihasa study,.sadachara sasthra study of intuition, role of pure  and unbiased intellect etc.

Practical :- Revision of earlier asanas taught -  performing “Ekapada Sanchalanam”; “Dwipada Sanchalanam” “ Ludhnam”. Advise students to increase the time devoted for prayer to 4 minutes in the morning and 4 minutes in the evening

Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 10thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 10th Session.

12th Session :- Elucidation of the  concept of “Sathya” pertaining to Yama. Theory and demonstration of “Kapal Bhathi” a particular type of Pranayama. Advise students to increase the time allotted for prayer to 5 minutes in each session.

Practical :- Revision of earlier Asanas – performing of  the following asanas : “Ekapada Sanchalanam”; “Dwipada Sanchalanam”; “ Dolayamanam”

Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 11thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 11th Session.

13th Session :- Elucidation on “Ahimsa”- Advise  students to increase the time for prayer to 6 minutes- More on Kapalabhathi , “Bandhas” and “Kumbhakam”– students to be advised that practice should be done  considering our ability and it should not  strain the body in any manner-
Practical :- Introducing Asanas in the sitting posture such as “Rajjukarshanam”; “Gathiyatmaka Merudhandam”- Introducing “Mathra Pranayamam”(first step) (4- 4) How to perform “Mahabandham”-moolabandha,uddiyana,jalandhara.  How to practice  kumhaka and how it can be combined with kapalabhathi

Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 12thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 12th Session.

14th Session :-Explaining  what is meant by “Astheyam” third concept of Yama- Revision of Yogasanas – Increasing of time for  prayer to 7 minutes per session- practice of “Mathra Pranayamam” in the style 5--5; Introducing  “Sakkriya” pranayamam theory & practice
Practical :- Performing of  Asanas such as “Chakki chalanam”; “Nowka Sanchalanam”- Doing of  "Sakkriya Pranayamam"
Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 13thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 13th Session.

15th Session :- Explaining “Aparigrham” 4th item of Yama- Advise students to enhance prayer timings to 8 minutes- Introducing  “Bhasthrika” pranayamam- Increasing the matra of matra pranayamam to 6--6, Sakkriya to 2 minutes.

Practical : Introducing of the following Asanas : “Artha Merudandam”; “Meru Dandam” and “Ananthasanam”
Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 14thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 14th Session.

16th Session :- What is “Brahmacharya”- explain the concept in all the 8 different meanings of the term and highlight the meaning that is attributed for the term in Yoga Vidya- Increase the time for prayer to 9 minutes- Increase the matra of Mathra Pranayamam to
 7--7 ; Sakkriya to 3 minutes and Bhastrika to 2 minutes

Practical : Revision of  Arthamerudandam, Merudandam and Anathasanam-Importance of “Sthithi Pariseelanam" for Classical Yogasanas-Introducing Asanas such as “Artha Pavanamuktham”; “Pavanamuktham”; “Nowkam”;”Arthakandharam”

Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 15thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 15h Session.

17th Session :-Explaining the concept of “Sowcham”  one of the 5 tenets of Niyama- What is meant by  cleansing techniques?- What are they? – Sowcha Pranayama _ About
increasing the time to be devoted for prayer to 10 minutes twice daily – increasing the matras of Matra Pranayam to 8--8, Sakkriya to 4 minutes and Bastrika to 3 minutes

Practical : Performing  of   the following Asanas : “Vipareetha Merudandam”; “Yashtikam”; “Oordwapadahastam”
Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 16thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 16h Session.

18th Session :- Explaining “Santhosham” another tenet of Niyama- Prayer time to be increased to 11 minutes twice daily- Matra pranayamam to 9-9; Sakkriya to 5 minutes; Bastrika to 4 minutes – Explain the philosophy of life according to Yoga Vidya- Explain  what is meant by “Purushartha Darsanam” What is meant by  “Artha ,”Kama” “Dharma” and Moksha”
Practical : Revision of Asanas taught in earlier classes- Performing of Artha Udhanapadasana
Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 17thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 17h Session.

19th Session :- “Thapas” yet another tenet of Niyama – Explaining “Purushartha Jeevitha Darsanam” with the help of the chart – Explain about “Vipasana Meditation”- Matra Pranayamam to be increased to 10--10; Sakkriya to 5 minutes; Bhastrika to 5 minutes – Prayer time to be increased to 12 minutes twice daily.
Practical : Demonstration of Japam – Practice of Asanas Ardha udhanapadam ; Udhanapadam, Sidhasanam

Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 18thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 18h Session.

20th Session :- Explaining the concepts of  “Thyagam“Samashti Sadhana”,”Yajna Sankalpa”; “ Rhunas”,  PanchaMaha Rhuna”; “Maha Yajnas”- - Matra Pranayama to be 12--12; Sakkriya for 5 minutes and Bhastrika for 5 minutes as in earlier session, Japa and Vipasana meditation to be continued.

Practical : Yogasanas to be performed in standing postures such as “Trikasanam”;”Gajasanam” also known as “Shundalasanam”; “Padahastam”;Artha Chakram”; “Trikonasanam”; ‘Samanya Trikonam”;”Parswa Trikonam”; “Vipareetha Trikonam

Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 19thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 19h Session.

21st Session :- Explain the principle  regarding"Danam”- More on ‘Samashti Sadhana
Matra Pranayamam,  as in previous session ie.12--12; Sakkriya and  Bhastrika 5 minutes-
“Vajrasanam” and its variations- Suptha Vajrasanam; Vajrasana Yogamudra; Padadhiram; “Anandamandirasanam”; “Bhadrasanam”.

Practical :Practicing the Asanas taught  in earlier classes along with the Asanas taught in the current class .
Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 20thSession
Furnishing of printed notes of 20h Session.
22nd Session :-
 Discourse on the importance of Sevanam(Service) – Concluding  “Samashti Sadhana” – Explaining the concept of “Nara Yajna”- Mentioning about the importance of Mental and Intellectual “Sadhana”- Explaining the concepts of “Kutumbham, Samooham, Rashtram, Lokam”(Family,Society,Nation,world)- What is and what for of “Sookshma Yoga”-Teaching of  how to perform"Eka Shashti Bindu Kriya”(61 Point practice) – Teaching of how to perform Marjara,Vyaghra, Sasa, and Ushtra asanas

Practical :- Asanas taught in the current class

Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 21st Session
Furnishing of printed notes of 21st  Session.

23rd Session :- Viewpoints regarding health pertaining to Yoga Vidya- Explaining the concept of “ Pancha Kosa”(Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vijnanamaya and Anandamaya kosas)- Sthoolam – Sookshmam-Karanam or Anandam – Teaching of
“ Nyasadhyanam” and its merits – Increasing the Matra Pranayamam to 14-14 – Teaching of  “Sasankam”, “Sasanka vishramam” and “Padmasanam” along with its variations such  as matsyasana ,padmasana yogamudrasana and other  sitting asanas -“Vakram”, “Paschimodhanam”, “Poorvodhanam” Asanas.

Practical :- Practice of “ Nyasa Dhyanam”

Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 22nd Session
Furnishing of printed notes of 22nd  Session.

24th Session :- Teaching of “Siva Dhyana Vidya” along with its importance and merits- Matra Pranayamam to be increased to 15--15-  “Sreshta Samaja Darsanam” of Yoga Vidya- .- Teaching of “Makarasana Vishramam”, “Bhujangasanam”, “Artha Salabham” “Salabham” and “Dhanurasanam”

Practical :- Practice of “Siva Dhyana Vidya

Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 23rd Session
Furnishing of printed notes of 23rd  Session.

25th Session :- Success concept of  Yoga Vidya – What is meant by the  rooting out of the  problems encountered by an individual or society- Why we chant “Om Santhi” thrice after recitation Vedas – Concepts of “Adi Bowthika “Adi Daivika” and “Adyatmika” impediments to Spiritual progress-  How we can bring into practice what has been taught in the 25 sessions – how we can disseminate what has  been studied, practiced and imbibed through these classes to those who deserve – Importance of an organization for the spreading of this message – Examining the  efficiency of those who earnestly attended the course-(written and viva examination) Advices to those who wish to practice and spread the gospel of Yoga Vidya – Healing and Management of diseases with the help of Yoga Vidya – Teaching of “Vipareetha Karani” and “Sarvangasana”

Practical :  Practice of “Vipareetha Karani” and “Sarvangasana”

Verification by the teacher of the notes prepared by the students on the 24th Session
Furnishing of printed notes of 24th and 25th  Sessions.

Fees for the Course

Ancient techniques like Yoga Vidya, Tantra Vidya and Vedanta are as mentioned earlier belong to the category of  Para Vidya value of which cannot be assessed in monetary terms. Mastering of these techniques  makes one all knowing which means that after acquiring   thorough knowledge ( both Theory and Practice) in these  subjects, there remains nothing more to be known to such a person. These techniques bear the stamp of our cultural heritage. Still it was the  tradition of our ancient teachers not to insist for any thing in return for imparting this ultimate knowledge. Siva Sakthi Yoga Vidya Kendra in fact earnestly desires to cling to this tradition. But unfortunately the present circumstances do not permit to stick to this tradition. Those who  are currently associating  as faculties to the Kendra are the bread winners to their family. Though they have already dissociated with their earlier avocations for the spread of this message without any pre conditions, the management  of the Kendra feels that it is their solemn duty to provide a minimum sustenance to the volunteers so that they are able to do justice to their families. Hence we are  fixing the course fee as Rs.1500 + Rs. 100 towards admission fees. If  the  fees is remitted in lump sum Rs. 100 charged as admission fees will be avoided.

More Details Please Call 9846038360